Online{2022] Best Pokemon Element Combination {Gratuit}

Best Pokemon Element Combination. Another factor that makes ducklett a great choice for pokemon go players to use in the element cup is its type. Because of how often you want to switch away from your counters in competitive pokémon battles, having immunities is incredibly valuable, and ghost is the only type with two immunities.

Top 10 Best Defensive Pokemon Types LevelSkip
Top 10 Best Defensive Pokemon Types LevelSkip from

It has solid stats, an amazing type combination with onlytwo weaknesses, good moves, and. Below are the differences compared to the current type chart. Another factor that makes ducklett a great choice for pokemon go players to use in the element cup is its type.

Top 10 Best Defensive Pokemon Types LevelSkip

The strongest defensive score is 13.25 for steel/fairy, followed by steel/flying (13.5), steel/dragon (14.25), and steel/ghost (14.25). It’s only weak to itself and ice and it has some key resistances. It's also the best answer to its galarian counterpart, who can't do much against it with its stab moves. With so many to choose from and a constant influx of water type pokémon, there’s really no shortage of great water types to choose.

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