Online{2022] Easy Fortnite Stats Bot {Gratuit}

Easy Fortnite Stats Bot. 4.and click the bot tab then add the bot. What's more, it even includes a fortnite win tracker so that you can see just how many games you actually manage to win.

Fortnite Stats Discord Bot Python Free V Bucks In Ios
Fortnite Stats Discord Bot Python Free V Bucks In Ios from

Fortnite stats discord bot tutorial. will need to copy the token and. I've made my very own fortnite stats discord bot.

Fortnite Stats Discord Bot Python Free V Bucks In Ios

Type !stats to retrieve stats about user with nickname on a platform (pc, xbl, or psn)</p> It uses tracker network's fortnite api to provide the user with the requested stats. If you wanna support me by giving me a small tip your right here. Retrieve the season stats of a fortnite account.

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