Online{2022] What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone {Gratuit}

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone. If you dream that you are in the throes of passion with someone, then it could symbolize a temptation that is in your life. Specially when you dream about someone, it is very likely or possible that you were thinking so much about that person when you fell asleep.

What does it mean when you dream about fighting someone,
What does it mean when you dream about fighting someone, from

It can even be your own repressed emotions about this person that you are avoiding and are afraid to address while awake. If you dream about someone, it means that you are thinking of this person. Think about whether there is an urge you have that you feel a need to satisfy.

What does it mean when you dream about fighting someone,

Dreaming about someone is unnecessarily a negative sign, it is a way for the subconscious mind to help us process our feelings and emotions. Simply put, a situation might be suffocating you in real life, resulting in a dream about strangulation. A famous athlete you dream of can mean that you really want to practice that sport. This creates a state of emotional display in your dream.

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